AUTHOR : Harsh Tikoo & Ravi B. Wadhawa
ISBN : 9788173460852
PUBLISHER : Bharat Law Publications
FORMAT : Hardback
An exhaustive, analytical and incisive commentary on The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, alongwith Rules thereunder as amended up-to-date together with useful material like Relevant Acts, Extracts from Acts, Rules, Guidelines, Schemes, etc., incorporating copious references to cases decided by the Supreme Court and High Courts, reported and unreported, upto December 2022.
A pointed attention has been devoted to definition clause dealing with age of child-victim and other contentious issues like the question whether age of consent should be reduced from 18 years to 16 years for the purpose of POCSO Act.
References to All India Law Journals and Local Law Journals with maximum equivalent citations provided.
Maximum number of subject-headings drawn for better understanding of the law.
An exhaustive Subject Index provided at the end for ease of reference to the law point a reader is looking for.
Cases decided by the Supreme Court dealt with more elaborately. Further, no case of Supreme Court left out.
Conflict between cases decided by various High Courts has been specially pointed out. Provisions in regard to sentencing elaborately discussed.
The Act in hand being of recent origin a number of law points not covered by decided cases explained by the author with the help of analogous laws.
In a nutshell, the book offers an exhaustive commentary based on almost all reported and unreported cases on the POCSO Act resulting in over 1400 pages’ compilation on the subject. It will not be out of place to state that over 2200 cases have been reported (about 5000 references) with analytical comments thereon. The number of referred cases is substantially more than those dealt with by any other author on the subject.
For ease of handy reference thinner paper of finest quality has been used to make the book at once compact as well as exhaustive one.
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